City of Memphis under state of emergency amid freezing temps
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MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) – The city of Memphis is under a state of emergency amid freezing temperatures.
The declaration was made by Mayor Jim Strickland on Friday afternoon.
The duration of the state emergency is limited to seven days and may extend if needed, in seven-day increments.
The city says the state of emergency is declared when an event has happened that may require state or federal aid local resources in “preventing or alleviating damages, loss, hardship or suffering.”
MLGW is asking customers to conserve power as the freezing temperatures and increased usage have caused a strain on the electrical grid.
This is the second time this year the city has declared a state of emergency over winter weather. In February, freezing temperatures, snow and ice caused property damage, stalled emergency vehicles and left more than 125,000 Memphians without power.