Lock… Loaded …Licensed! Family First Grantee Daughters of Zion Steps Up its Effort for Low-Income Individuals to Achieve Certified Nursing Assistant Status
Staff on August 27, 2024
MEMPHIS, TN —— Since January 2023, Daughters of Zion graduated it’s 6 cohorts of CNA students in July of this year and even though the Family First Grant is heading into the twilight season, Daughters of Zion has not taken its foot off the gas and is still pulling out the stops so that low-income individuals can realize their dreams of having a career in the healthcare field. This effort has led to 6 students being licensed within the same month of completing the course. When asked about this achievement – The Instructor, Nurse Barbara Jones RN, stated that even though they had a lot of trials and tribulations from personal problems to being tired and overworked – they were determined. She also said what stood out was how the students encouraged each other through group texts. The students are Chasity Anderson, Taylor Bowles, Abria Franklin, Lauryn Jones, Laquita Smith and Jaytese Westmoreland and for this article we will look at their journey and outlook for the future.
Lauryn Jones passed the skills and the knowledge on her first attempt. Although she was not waiting very long to attend a CNA program she states that it was a move of God that helped her to align her moves to be in the class. The staff was extremely transparent and helpful and she was motivated by the encouraging messages sent by the staff during the class period.
Being proud of her achievement was the feeling Taylor Bowles had after passing on her first attempt and was just very ecstatic to be licensed. DOZ was a great experience for her because in addition to learning in class, she learned a lot about sisterhood. Nurse Jones, Ms Peart – the Project Coordinator, and Dr. Kiner – the Executive Directors – were all good mentors, who made sure that she was learning. She hopes to be an RN in the next five years.
Family obligations and a year-long wait was what kept Jaytese Westmoreland from enrolling in a CNA program. She was initially interested in enrolling in the class in 2023 but was not successful in getting everything together until the enrollment period for the June 2024 cohort. One thing that stood out to her about the program was that she learned some introductory entrepreneurial techniques which she would not have gotten if she had enrolled in another program. Her advice to anyone who wants to get a career as a CNA is to just do it and do not put it on hold. Jaytese also passed her test on the first attempt.
Although Laquita Smith received her license on her second attempt in the Knowledge section – it did not diminish her joy of being licensed. Receiving the failing grade did not erase her drive but caused her to be more determined thus making her successful on her second attempt. The impact that DOZ had on her was the motivation to keep going as the staff was always in her corner. She learned to speak up about issues and to stay true within herself. In the next five years, she aspires to be a small business owner which provides care services.
Abria Franklin – who also passed on her first attempt – is living her dream as she is working as a traveling CNA. She also passed on her first attempt and the journey to being licensed was amazing for her as it is the first step to her future career of being a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. The program taught her many fundamentals but more importantly discipline and self-awareness. Completing the program also instilled a sense of confidence and she now knows her capabilities in terms of knowledge retention and balancing school, work and life.
The family environment and the continuous bonds with staff and students are what Chasity Anderson was glad to get from the program which she knew she would not receive in another CNA program. Looking back after being licensed on her first attempt – Chasity sees the tremendous impact that the program had on her life. She has been inspired to pursue higher educational goals and has hope that there is more in store for her in her life. Her words of encouragement for those who are on the fence is stop wasting time and enroll.
The next CNA class will start on October 7, 2024 and the deadline to receive the documents for enrollment is September 20, 2024. To enroll in Daughters of Zion’s William & Johnson Career College CNA program please call 901-570-3220.